Monday, October 10, 2011


I work at a country club fitness center. I answered the phone today as I usually do, "Squire Creek Fitness Center, this is Cayce" and the guy on the other end said, "Yeah, I was just wondering what I have to do to work out there". I said, well, "are you a member"? He said, no, do you have to be a member to work out there? I said, "Well, as far as I know you have to be a member to work out here, but let me transfer you to the main office so they can confirm that". Later on, I called Betsy, the main receptionist, and I said so, can people who aren't members work out over here? She said, oh, He wanted a job. He was asking what he had to do to get a job out here (to work out here). I laughed about this for a while and kind of felt stupid, but I guess that's why it is important to have a strong vocabulary and to use proper grammar.

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