Monday, May 2, 2011


As you have probably heard by now Osama bin Laden has been killed and buried in a watery grave, in the ocean. I was overjoyed when I heard this last night, as I was getting ready for bed. For pretty much ten years now our troops have been overseas trying to find a him and make him pay for his wrongs. When I got on facebook though, I expected more people's statuses to be rejoicing in the fact that bin Laden is dead and can no longer threaten our country or any other country. I was surprised though because many of my friends posted things like, "I now officially hate America", and "Osama bin Laden, love the enemy". There are many others, but those are the two that especially bothered me. I actually unfriended one guy who had a picture of an Arab person as his profile picture now, I think the guy is Arab, but I saw the picture and immediately deleted him, because I think that it is disrespectul. The fact of the matter is that he, bin Laden, was a terrorist. He killed thousands upon thousands of innocent Americans, as well as thousands of other innocent people from around the world. I know that God loves everyone, and does not want anyone to go to Hell, but I also believe that bin Laden was simply an evil man. He deliberately set up terrorist activities in order to try and destroy our country along with others. For all these people who are saying things like they feel sorry for him or that we should love our enemies, I guess I see where you are coming from because I know we are suppose to love our enemies, and I know that Jesus died for every person on this earth, good and bad. There are in fact some people who just deserve to die though, and I believe bin Laden was one of those people. If you look at the old testament, the Israelites were always at war with someone, and most of the time, God told them to go to war, because they had been attacked or there was a threat that would be lurking in the shadows if they did not destroy their enemies. I don't know, maybe I am just overly patriotic or somethings, but I believe our troops did the right thing and I am thankful that our troops protect us from our enemies. I am glad that we have one less enemy to worry about now. Let me know what you think.

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