Friday, February 25, 2011

surprise hurricane

Yesterday was a really good day. I went to work and did some weights and ate a good sandwhich for lunch. When I got off work at two o'clock I was worn out for some reason though, I was just extremely tired, so I parked my car and left my sunroof open because it was nice outside and I was planning to go run at the track and then run some errands while I was out. Well, I sit down to watch tv for a little bit and to take a quick nap...turns out that my nap was not so quick and it started to rain. I was thinking, this is great because I sleep really well in rainy weather. I was disappointed that I was not able to run, but I decided that I needed the sleep more, so I just laid there and fell back asleep. Somewhere around six o'clock someone rings my door bell, so I answer the door and it's my neighbor. My neighbors are really nice, they bring my roommate and I cookies every now and then and we will just talk and stuff. Well, all the said is "Cayce, your sunroof is open...and it has been raining for the past couple of hours". Deeply worried I ran outside and closed the sunroof and surprisingly, only the back of my seat and right behind my seat was wet. I need to clean out my car, so the only stuff that really got wet other than the back of my seat is trash. I know it's terrible to have stuff piled up on the back seat of my car...but sometimes I pretty much live out of my car, so even though it's a lame excuse--it's all I've got. Anyways, nothing is ruined so I am thankful. That was my adventure for the week. I hope y'alls week has been exciting also!

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